Friday, September 16, 2005

A puppy is just a puppy, but Nintendo, now that was a Revolution

Nintendo was the company that brought video games to the mainstream back in the 80's (OK Atari did it first, but Nintendo did it better!). Now they are trying to do something that hasn't been done since. They want to change the way we play video games. Check out the link to an article about the new controller setup if your interested, its actually pretty amazing. The controller basically is a modified "remote" control that we use for basically all of our normal audio and video electronic devices. Sounds like it actually might work. Who knows, maybe in a couple years I'll look back at this post and remember that video games actually had their "own" style controller.

Reading about this new style controller reminds me of being 8 years old, opening up that present with the famous Nintendo Logo. And the HUGE 19" color TV that we also received so that we could play video games while the parents watched "Thirtysomething", or whatever crappy show that they watched that year. For those that don't know me, Nintendo really changed/shaped my life. I spent way too much time playing video games growing up, it even cut into school so bad I had to be limited to my playing time. Even though I played a lot of video games, I still did a lot of other things, like read books, play sports, etc. What it mostly cut into was studying and sleeping. Have a homework or a test, oh well, I'll just play one more game. Time for bed? OK 1 more game. I really don't think I could count the times I played video games until the sun came up. But then again, I've been playing video games for almost 20 years now, so I guess its not...that....many.

Wow, I could go on for hours, but I'm at work, I'll keep this one short. HA.


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