Sunday, March 13, 2005

Home Improvement

Warning: Long post ahead.

Well were going on two years in our house and its amazing the difference in owning your place than renting (for me anyway, not sure about anyone else). If you are a fellow homeowner, you should be able to relate to this post, if not, you might be bored.

For one, those chores you used to do when you were a kid don't seem like chores. Namely, mowing the lawn. Yes, I live in the burbs. Yes, all the houses in my neighborhood look similar. I've also turned into an obsessive compulsive when it comes to mowing my lawn. Since spring is fastly approaching, it will be that time of year again, I guess it can be OK to blog about it. I think mowing my lawn is FUN. Its no longer something I dread, something I put off until my parents force me to do for that all important allowance. My step dad would mow the lawn if whoever's turn it was to mow hadn't cut the grass in two weeks. Then you were in trouble. I now can see why. Something I never thought would change me, but if my lawn needs cut, I don't hesitate, I get the mower out and get it done. Granted my lawn isn't very big, so I can cut the grass and trim it in less than an hour. But as a kid, I would put it off as long as I could.

Another thing about being a homeowner that has changed me is how everything works. From the clothes washer, to the sink, toilet, furnace, pretty much all of our appliances. I always took it for granted how they worked, just knew that they cleaned your clothes, made water come out and heated the house. Then all of a sudden it doesn't work. Then what do you do? Either call a repairman or fix it yourself. Of course being a male, you have to try and fix it yourself first. And if your like me, the first thing you do, google search. I tend to search the Internet for as much information as possible before starting a project. There is so much information available, usually I can find what I need within a few tries. Sometimes it takes a little digging, but after fixing the washer, sink and toilet, I think I can fix anything. OK maybe not the furnace, yet. We had to call in for service a month ago, but it was well worth it. Turned out to be the flame sensor, a small part, not too complicated looking, but quite expensive. $100 for something that probably can be made for a few dollars.

I guess maybe I should have a point to this post, but oh well. Point is, I guess I'm growing up. Weird huh?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Will you ever blog again?